Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design


150x 90x 230 cm

glass cabinet, 8 prints on handcrafted paper inserted with forget-me-not-seeds, soil, planted flowers

Vergiss-mein-nicht is an investigation of the past, the forgotten and the unnoticed parts of my home country, Romania.

The Images were partly found in the national romanian photo archive and partly on the attic of my dear grandmother Aneta.
During the timespan of months I collected over 2.000 of these historical, rural, private, public forgotten moments of the past.

For the installation 8 moments where Immortalised by transferring them onto handcrafted paper.The papers carry forget-me-not seeds, which once forgotten, thrown onto the ground will blossom out of the paper.
The artistic process as well as the research intersected between historical, botanical as well as artistically field.

