Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

A tray of good-looking food


BA Art Warm-Up – Foundation Course




A tray of good-looking food (2021); hard plastic tray, ceramic plate, metal fork and knife, glass of water, paper placemat, cooked pasta, tomato sauce, apple, soil and alive earthworms; 53 x 37 cm


There are a wooden chair and a tray of good-looking food laying on a wooden table. The food looks flourishing and wholesome, but looking a bit closer and digging, things aren’t how they look: even if it is inexplicable hidden at the bottom of the plate thrive a couple of earthworms.
The food on the tray, translation of the impression that others have of the artist, is then being eaten by what is inside the artist itself: fears, insecurities, paranoia.
The earthworms convey this state in which the artist finds itself: existing with something inside that is slowly eating away its being.