Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Illustration – Großkundgebung Sigmundskron: Los von Trient


BA Design Warm-Up – Foundation Course




Großkundgebung Sigmundskron: “Los von Trient”
Grande raduno Sigmundskron: “Los von Trient” | Via dal Trentino”

The Paris Agreement concluded in 1946 led to the autonomous region of Trentino-South Tyrol via the First Statute of Autonomy in 1948, in which, however, the German-speaking population was in the minority. The actually promised protection of their cultural uniqueness was not guaranteed in any way. The growing resentment about the rights that were not granted finally led to a large rally at Sigmundskron Castle, where around 35,000 South Tyroleans gathered. There, on November 17, 1957, the SVP chairman Silvius Magnago, who had been elected only a few months earlier, succeeded in swearing in a flaming and courageous speech on a common goal: the real protection of all German and Ladin speakers in South Tyrol.