Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

undefined, like pain


BA Art Warm-Up – Foundation Course




In people, natural responses to shocking moments happen in different ways. Each human has a predominant way of self-expressing upon a situation.

Noise-NoNoise:A sudden necessity of creating noise seems a solution to a sudden crisis but in a second instance an unexplainable feeling of confusion can come, not being able to pro-nounce a word, in author word it’s a resistance to react.

Writer: Writing something is not saying it, it is seeing it. A Feeling cannot be touched, a paper and a pen can. Sometimes we need to understand what is in our minds.

Questioner: asking the audience provocative and pressing questions.

Screamer: when there are no other ways to express all the feelings kept within yourself.