Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Solar Wrist


BA Practice Based Course




ENG By changing color this watch informs us about the high amount of uv-rays we are exposed to.
This can remind us to put on some suncreen to prevent sunburns, to look after our sun-exposed plants or to check on our four-legged friends.

DE Indem diese Uhr ihre Farbe wechselt warnt sie ihren Besitzer vor hoher UV Strahlung. Dies kann uns helfen Sonnenbrände vorzubeugen, nach unseren Pflanzen oder nach unseren vierbeinigen Freunden zu sehen.

IT Questo orlogio cambia colore quando è esposto ad raggi uv molto alti. Questo ci aiuta a prevenire una scottatura, a badare le nostre piante e a prenderci buona cura dei nostri amici a quattro zampe.