Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design


Study Programmes

BA Major Art – Graduation Project



This video and photography project is a tribute to the forest, a space
humanity depends on. Reflections on photography, film, perception
of reality and the relationship between humans and forests are some
of the key points the project deals with. During the process, it turned
out that one of the main challenges was to find images which could
display the forest in a rather neutral and anonymous way but still al-
low personal and individual impressions. A video in combination with
a photograph is trying to manage this challenge. Furthermore, the
combination of the moving images of the video and the static pho-
tograph try to investigate the view on film and photography as it is
portrayed in the book Camera Lucida – Reflections on Photography
(1980) by Roland Barthes. The video invites the spectator to reflect
upon his/her preconceived ideas about the image of a forest, but also
about his/her perception of reality in general, as the shadows in the
video can be seen as a reference to Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.
