Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Nesting- Eine Isolierungsalternative für Mieter

Study Programmes

BA Major Design – Graduation Project



The topic of this thesis arose from my own life. Because, like many of us, as a tenant of an old apartment, I am confronted with poorly insulated walls, which is why temperatures drop considerably indoors in winter. In my bachelor thesis, I tried to solve this problem and designed an insulation panel for renters. To develop my product, I first conducted research on historical and traditional wall coverings. In the first part of my research, the wall was treated in a historical context based on Semper‘s theory of cladding, as well as the concept of „wall as skin“ by Pettenkoffer. This was followed by an examination of wall decoration based on Loos‘ work „Ornament and Crime“. This was followed by a discussion of specific insulating wall coverings that were relevant to my project. In the second part, this was followed by research about the insulations used nowadays. To begin, the properties of different insulation materials were researched and tested for the suitability for my project. In order to find out exactly what needs tenants have and if the product idea I was striving for was relevant, a survey was conducted. In the third section, prototypes were created based on these findings in order to develop an insulation panel made of hemp and felt. The result of the work is an insulation panel that is well suited for tenants because it can be installed and removed without tools and does not damage the walls. Thus, it can be easily reused when changing apartments. The panel contributes to better insulation, which leads to a better indoor climate. The panels can be installed selectively in the places where they are most needed. Thus, they can be adapted to individual needs. Depending on where you spend most time, they can for example be installed on the wall behind the bed, desk, or sofa. Also, the product meets the technical requirements that I had set. These include, among other things, that the panel is mold-repellant.  Another advantage of the insulation panel I developed is that it can be rolled up, making it easy to transport and store.