Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

S4H: Re-imagining collective structures, an open narrative of the possible (I think therfor I am) active agent; a critical analysis of a neophytes experience of the un-countable noun: LIFE.

Study Programmes

BA Major Art – Graduation Project



This artist project follows the concept The Process is the Work and within this specific process it tries its best to analyze, debate, search, wonder and imagine the possibilities that the open artistic collective Searching for Humans has to offer as a medium, as a space and as a system for peer-to-peer cooperation. The versioning of said collective I will present here is the third edition titled: Panem et Circenses: Neophytes Dream and it is used within the thesis as an apparatus that propels reflections on the multiple possibilities of interpretation and analysis which have stemmed naturally from questioning said process and practice.

At large the thesis questions and explores the current methods used for preserving, archiving, and presenting information. Moreover, it questions concepts of power relations, hierarchal structures, and censorship. As well follow divergent discourses regarding social media algorithms, the digitalisation of the document, politics, collective intelligence, and social structures.

It is speculated that if one seeks to find something which is other to itself, one must remain abstract and open ended so as to not lose sense of what it may become. Therefore, research must be understood, in contrast to its scientific method, as an explorative creative process.

To conclude, the intention is to interrogate, through these aforementioned phases and characters, the plausibility of exiting the mechanisms of representation and legitimation our reality imposes on us. This syllogism suggests two divided processes; instead, both are soundly related, in constant dialogue, and sculpting themselves accordingly.

Ultimately, every step taken within this process should be understood as the work itself.