Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

SAFE: live your sexuality freely and consciously

Study Programmes

– Graduation Project



SAFE is a digital space that collects and shares real stories on the topic of sexuality.

SAFE is a safe place that wants to be educational through the exchange of experiences related to anxieties and/or fears, emotions that many easily find during the discovery of their sexual self.

The stories you can read on SAFE reflect different fields of sexuality, such as: pornography, sexting, expectations, identity, virginity, consent, masturbation, fantasies and many others.

There is always a lot to say about sexuality, but at the same time talking about it it’s still stigmatized for fear of judgment and inconvenience.

SAFE is always looking for people who want to share their experience with others. Since in our societies sex education is poor, the absence of dialogue in the strict meaning of sexuality is still very low and we take care of knowing and learning our sexual, mental well-being by ourselves.
