BA Major Design – Graduation Project
The unique shape of pollard willows are the result of a symbiosis between nature and the people living with it.
In fact the term “pollard“ does not describe a separate tree species, it rather is a result of continuous pruning to obtain flexible long rods. Pollard willows are significant elements of the cultural landscape of South Tyrol and the trees are furthermore a habitat of a large number of species.
However, since the middle of the 20th century industrial substitute products started to replace the pollard willow rods, making them obsolete and their care became redundant.
Symbiose is a project that aims to encourage a change of perspective. It arises out of the desire to perceive the tree as a personality instead of a resource. The project questions the contemporary relationship between humans and nature and shows what possibilities are opening up. Provided we are open enough to see its real value.