Bottle and Glass – Wine
BA Practice Based Course
I always loved wine. Not only because of the taste. But because it brings people together, you CONNECT.
This inspired me to design my own red wine with the matching wine glass. I was inspired by all the existing shapes of bottles and glasses and my decision fell on this elegant design.
Ich liebe Wein. Nicht nur wegen des Geschmacks. Vor allem weil es Menschen zusammenbringt, you CONNECT.
Das hat mich dazu inspiriert, meinen eigenen Rotwein mit dem passenden Weinglas zu designen. Ich habe mich von all den existierenden Formen von Flaschen und Gläsern inspirieren lassen und meine Entscheidung fiel auf dieses elegante Design.
Amo il vino .Non solo per il gusto. Principalmente perché unisce le persone, you CONNECT.
Questo mi ha ispirato a progettare il mio vino rosso con il bicchiere da vino abbinato. Mi sono ispirato a tutte le forme esistenti di bottiglie e barattoli e ho optato per questo design elegante.