Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Clay pigeons.

Course topic/s

BA Visual Communication Project






The song i chose for this project is called Clay Pigeons, sung by Michael Cera. The atmosphere of the song is very nostalgic, and the lyrics talk about going back to one’s roots in order to seek stability, finding the latter in family and memories. That’s what designing this book was like for me, as all the pictures used are my personal family photos. The book is supposed to take the reader in a rather chaotic journey, through scattered memories accompanied by comforting song lyrics. Everything comes together through the use of overlapping photos, and going back and forth between two typefaces (Necto Mono and Made Of Scars, respectively a sans-serif monospaced one and a script-based one), expressing stability and chaos: going back and forth between memories and the present.