Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design



BA Art Warm-Up – Foundation Course




Alessia Maria Concetta Carbonara; Connections (2021); Installation of approximately 90×90 cm; paper, cardboard, steal wire, pencil drawings, black and white marker;
A mosaic of thoughts and three places in mind to define a person. It’s difficult to classificate something that is heterogeneous. It could be incorporated in only one thing, like this the risk of missing something is easy and that’s not genuine. A person has only one corpse, so a medium is necessary. What defines being is the medium that holds the pieces together, which goes around the inherited space and creates connections where there is a lack of security and strength. With the continuous dirtying of the sheets something is build, and the ideas are cleaned up. It may seem confusing, but the more chaotic it is, the clearer it is. Since you create your medium, your medium is your essence.