Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

CONNUBIO – Pink Pavilion Reloaded


BA Practice Based Course




The Pink Pavilion is a small abandoned building near the Talvera River in the city of Bolzano, Italy. With this project of the course Interior & Exhibit Design I tried to bring new life to the building through the harmonic union of natural and anthropic life.

In the first phase I developed an “innesto”, a graft: three giant concrete vases growing inside the building, providing structure and a bed for natural life. The structures are meant to provide new stability to thebuilding as well as a symbol for the rebirth of the building through cohexistence with nature.

In the second phase of the project, I developed three visions for the use of the PavillionThe triptych is a series of three images that represent the new life inside Pthe building, showing three potential situations of use:

1 – A permanent exhibition on water and its role in shaping human history.
2 – An Event: Using the open rooftop as a stage for musical and theatre events.
3 – A workshop: one open space for the community to address the value of drinking water.