Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design


Course topic/s

BA Practice Based Course




In general it is also called an utility knife. Over all it is a type of knife which is used for several manual work purposes. Already 500 hundred thousand years ago the first utility knife with a fixed blade got developed when human ancestors begun to make stone knives (forerunner). By the 19th century the fixed-blade utility knife had evolved into a steel-bladed knife. A cutter is designed as multi-purpose cutting tools for use in a variety of trades and crafts. Designed to be lightweight and easy to carry and use, utility knives are commonly used in factories, warehouses, construction projects, and other situations where a tool is routinely needed to mark cut lines, trim plastic or wood materials, or to cut tape, cord, strapping, cardboard, or other packaging material.