Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Daily Receipts


BA Practice Based Course




What if such thing as “Public” no longer existed?

What if local and global riots, political and moral protests, civic and common sense failed into maintaining this one (more or less) human concept?
Can we guarantee that simply going out for a walk won’t be priced in the immediate future?

We live in a cluster of societies that each in their own way make us “afraid of payment”.
Even going out to the groceries store today means “paying” the cart for half an hour, and that’s purely to push us into discipline and avoid having them scattered all around, as we want our coin back.
Because that’s what we would do if we weren’t meant to pay for most of the things we want to use, an undisciplined exploitation of them.

Paying for the air you breathe seems reasonable when the available amount of it is limited.
Paying for stepping on what remains of the natural environment, once there’s only a small percentage of it left.
Paying for using unpolluted water for the sole, unessential purpose of having fun.

Doesn’t seem so far from what we are used to already, does it?