Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Design Classic – handheld electric vibrator (1909)


BA Design Warm-Up – Foundation Course




the hand held electric vibrator produced in 1909 by the vibrator factory Sanitas Berlin is the first vibrator powered by electricity being advertised as home appliance for men and women while conveying their sexual uses through the sale of phallic, dildo-like attachments. The vibrator was originally designed to treat hysteria and was later spoken of as device being able to cure everything from wrinkles to malaria.

I chose one of the first vibrators to draw for this assignment because this device is so integrated into everyday life yet so little talked about; with an exceptionally interesting and simultaniously misinterpreted history and own culture. Furthermore, I created the Illustration with the pen-tool on Adobe Illustrator using different stroke sizes to achieve a slight contrast in an overall filigree drawing.