Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Design Classic: Hortogonal projections and isometry


BA Practice Based Course




The chess set of Josef Hartwig was invented in 1923 and quickly became a classic of its genre. While the pieces were otherwise manufactured according to their designation, the concept is now reduced to the essentials. The gait and the value of the individual pieces embody their representation.


Josef Hartwigs Schachset wurde 1923 erfunden und wurde schnell zum Klassiker seiner Art. Während die Stücke sonst ent- sprechend ihrer Bezeichnung hergestellt wurden, ist das Konzept nun auf das Wesentliche reduziert. Die Gangart und der Wert der einzelnen Stücke verkörpern deren Darstellung.


Il set di scacchi di Josef Hartwig fu inventato nel 1923 e divenne rapidamente un classico del suo genere. Mentre i pezzi sono stati altrimenti fabbricati secondo la loro designazione, il concetto è ora ridotto all’essenziale. L’andatura e il valore dei singoli pezzi incarnano la loro