Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

DWB – designer’s working bench

Course topic/s

BA Product Design Project




dwb – designer’s working bench

The world of craftsmanship, enjoys the presence of many different professions. Every crafts need tools and workstations, designed and perfected over the years, to adapt to each specific type of work.
I took inspiration from those designs, trying to create a workstation, that adapts to my enviroment, my needs and my body.

One side of the bench is designed for manual work, every kind of craft that you’re able to do by yourself, from model making to wood curving. The seat can become a bigger surface for crafting and at its end it’s placed a vice. The other side is designed for Theoretical work: drawing, reading, digital work, etc. The seat is shaped for a confortable position of the legs and the table can be lifted, adapting to different position while sitting, or even while working in standing.