Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Magazine – Dolomia


BA Design Warm-Up – Foundation Course




Editorial Project – Dolomia

Dolomia is a naturalistic magazine about the Dolomites. Theorically it should be a monthly product, that shares always different stories and themes for each number.The entire product is designed to be like a real magazine about nature: classic structure, but thought to be also innovative, different from the other thousands of magazine about nature: solid contents, fresh and new layout. The inside structure is very complete and various : there’s the main story, than other articles and some focuses at the beginning and in the end. The editorial is right after the summary. The cover is the main example of this aim: an essential and clean product, made using just black and a bright yellow to catch the attention of the reader, either because he likes it, or just because is curious; also it’s immediately recognizable from far a way, having always the same main appareance and not every time a different picture. There is then a contrast between the inside and the outside, several photos inside, just graphics outside

Paolo Alpago-Novello
