Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Font Specimen – Thomas Gradgrind Sans


BA Design Warm-Up – Foundation Course




Font Specimen – Thomas Gradgrind

Thomas Gradgrind is the name of my font sans serif. In addition to the sans serif we created a  serif. The choice of  names is taken from the novel by Charles Dichens in which the two main characters represent the features of the two fonts, one with more linear and rigid shapes while the other more playful and free. For the realization of the font I used the program Illustrator and the plug-in of Astute Graphics.  With the Adobe Illustrator plugin FontSelf, I  generated the Open Type font file (OTF). Finally, in order to present our work, we have produced specimen in which their characteristics and structure are explained.