Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

gandestete ca un copil – think like a child


BA Art Warm-Up – Foundation Course




This piece aims to create a balance between childlike creativity and trying to connect it to a more grown-up attitude towards art and artistic processes – with process being the code word here.

One thing about children pursuing creative and/or artistic practices is that the process is more important than the result. This is something that gets lost with age for most people – with this piece being my reclaiming of my love for the process of art instead of the result.


The process to this piece started by researching children’s approach to art. After that – and some inspiration at the Venice Biennale – I came up with the rough concept for the piece.

The shape for the face was first made with tape, having made a pattern of my face by taping it and tracing that shape from the tape to paper. Afterwards I started by cutting the fabric pieces and sewing them together one by one – hand sewing was an important aspect in the piece as it was part of the intentionally slow process.

Then the beading started, more or less without any plan or idea except a rough color layout that I ended up diverging from. It was all about learning something new and discovering the process.