Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design



BA Practice Based Course




From the given personas (Andrea Bruhn, Daniela Gambardella), we first identified their main
goals by creating the proto persona canvases and the user journey experience to get a
better understanding of how one needs to proceed in order to meet the needs of
these personas.

With the information we have gathered we noticed that both personas have specific goals
they would like to achieve with using the cuccumella. When it comes to Andrea Bruhn, she
wanted to learn about the local culture and get environmental connections whilst also find
new people to interact with that have the same interest as her. On the other hand, DanielaGambardella wanted to get to know about an environmentally friendly way on how to make
and use coffee. Apart from this they had one goal in common, which is to learn how to use
the cuccumella. Since they were coming from different backgrounds, we tried to come up
with a solution that would attract both personas. We had to create something that would
meet the needs of an elderly woman as well as a middle-aged woman, who were using
different devices to find what they are looking for. With that in mind we started
brainstorming for simple and creative methods on how we would like these personas to
interact with our platform.
We designed a platform that feels like a community, which we called Gruccumella which is a
group for people who are interested in coffee. When creating the content for the platform
itself we tried to design it in a creative manner with the goal of making the user feel
welcome and understand that the website they are on is about the cuccumella and coffee.
