Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Hill and Chill


BA Practice Based Course




Hill&Chill is an installation made of two parts:
the Shadow Shopper and Chill Hill.
Both pieces follow the same aesthetics. The
Shadow Shopper consists of a shopping
cart with an sun umbrella attached to it. The
part where kids usually sit is now intented as
a box for flyers.
The Shadow Shopper is meant to give
shade to the bed; Chill Hill is a bed that is
also functioning as a bench. The frame is a
golden metal bed frame, while the mattress
is made out of fake grass. It follows a wavy
structure, suggesting a hilly landscape.
Hill&Chill was created with a domestic
landacape in mind. It is based on a homely
but playful feeling. Therefore the bed was
the perfect object to suggest the home
feeling, while the hilly landscape brings the
playful aspect.