Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Iconic Barricade Bag


BA Practice Based Course




The abstract foundation to the Iconic Barricade Bag came across by the combination of a concrete barricade with a hand bag. The aim is to explore the contradictory beauty of things that have the potential to act as accessories, but are intended as artworks.

Designed to be made in leather and metal, the Iconic Barricade Bag is an object that wavers between art and functionality, the abstract bag intentionally puts form before function. My aim throughout this design is not to pursue functionality, but rather to flirt with the frontiers of design.

The Iconic Barricade Bag design is simple yet functional, as such it does not deviate completely from conventional design applications, nor ignore the question of function.

The concept aims to amplify the interest of the viewer with regard to a broader influence of inspiration, by expanding people’s curiosity into unusual, bizarre directions that can lead to unique as well as unexpected fusions.