Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Il Cucinario – how cappelletti are made in a fresh pasta lab


BA Practice Based Course




Emilia Romagna is the kingdom of pasta all’uovo, the land where the preparation of this dish almost retains the character of a ritual. Nowadays in the city of Reggio Emilia there are many fresh pasta labs that work with success and enthusiasm in the name of the continuity of this tradition, and “Il Cucinario” is surely one of them. Alan and Andrea, who founded the lab, have a passion for good food, many years of experience and attention for the process, where everything is taken care of down to the smallest detail. But what exactly are the secrets inside of it? What makes it so good that it stayed almost the same for such a long time? And what does it mean to have a fresh pasta lab and therefore to be able to create typical Emilian dishes?

The protagonists of the video are the two founders, Alan and Andrea, the owners and only two workers, who through their experience will tell the process of the creation of cappelletti. The video takes place inside their pasta lab where they show us the process as they talk about their actions. The workers also talk about their culinary passion, where it comes from, how it united them and how it changed over the course of time. In our video we aimed to capture the essence of the passionate chefs, who founded this lab. It’s a celebration of authentic ingredients that have been cherished for generations, preserving the essence of traditional cuisine. Therefore, the approach of our video is joyful and not too serious, but rather familiar and sincere.