Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Illustration – 1972-2022 | 50 Years of South Tyrolean Autonomy Statute


BA Design Warm-Up – Foundation Course




Grenze AUT – IT wird von Salurn an den Brenner verlegt
Il confine AUT – IT è spostato da Salorno al Brennero

My topic was the shift of the border from Salorno to the Brennero Pass, including so the region of South Tyrol in Italy. After this happened South Tyroleans claimed the independence of their region and requested the autonomy from Italy. About this topic an italian newspaper wrote this title:  “un bel mattino l’Alto Adige si staccherebbe come il manico di un bricco rappiccicato con la colla”, this sentence is what inspired my illustration.