Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Illustration – 1972-2022 | 50 Years of South Tyrolean Autonomy Statute


BA Design Warm-Up – Foundation Course




Strenge Raumordnung: viel Waldfläche, wenig bebaubarer Grund
Pianificazione spaziale rigorosa: molta area forestale, poco terreno edificabile

This is an illustration created for the book ” 50 year of South Tirolean autonomy statute”, written by Jutta Kustatscher and Wolfgang Mayer. My illustration is about “the rigorous land porpouse planning: a lot of forest ground, a little ground dedicated to new buildings”. My interpretation on this topic is a rappresentation of a little house confined in a bif forest all around it. The black outline around the house symbolizes its impossibility to expand, as in thet period of time the building ground was limited.