Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Illustration – Autonomy


BA Design Warm-Up – Foundation Course




Südtiroler/innen sehen sich von den Faschisten verfolgt und – irrtümlich – die Nationalsozialisten als Rettung

I sudtirolesi si vedono perseguitati dai fascisti  – erroneamente – i nazionalsocialisti come salvezza


This is an illustration created for the book ” 50 year of South Tirolean autonomy statute”, written by Jutta Kustatscher and Wolfgang Mayer. In my interpretation of this topic you can see a south tyrolean trying to flee from fascism and how he tries to grab the supposedly saving hand of the national socialists. The three symbols on the left side of the picture stand for Italian fascism, for Nazi socialism and the South Tyroleans. The Illustration is made in Illustrator with the help of a Wacom graphic tablet.