Illustration – Emigration of South Tyroleans due to lack of work
BA Design Warm-Up – Foundation Course

Auswanderung deutschsprachiger Südtiroler wegen Arbeitsmangel.
Emigrazione di altoatesini di lingua tedesca per mancanza di lavoro.
The theme of the illustration is the Emigration of South Tyroleans due to lack of work, happened after the Gruber–De Gasperi Agreement in 1946. I have decided to rappresent a closed factory, infact there isn’t any smoke coming out from the chimnyes and there aren’t any lights inside the building. The serpentin white path of the image, start from the factory and arrived to an indication signal full of red question marks, that meanings the doubt of the destination that the South Tyroleans will decided to take. The big red cross over the factory and the gray colors choosen, add a dramatic sense on the image.