Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Illustration – 50 Years of South Tyrolean Autonomy Statute


BA Design Warm-Up – Foundation Course




Eine Frau sagt: “Ich bin damals als Österreicherin zu Bett gegangen und als Italienerin aufgewacht”
Una donna dice: “Sono anadata a letto come austriaca e mi sono svegliata come italiana”

The topic of this illustration is the separation of South Tyrol from Austria. After the end of the First World War in 1918 with the peace treaty of St. Germain the southern part of the Austrian crown land of Tyrol became part of Italy. In the illustration I want to represent the difference between Austria and Italy through these two windows. In the first window you can see a woman dressed in an Austrian traditional clothing called “Dirndl” and in the second one there is a woman wearing a traditional italian dress that women usually wear for the Tarantella dance. To understand it better I also added the flags of the two countries and translated the sign “Apotheke” to “Farmacia” in the background. The illustration is created for the book ”50 Jahre 2. Autonomiestatut”, written by Jutta Kustatscher and Wolfgang Mayer.