Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design



BA Art Warm-Up – Foundation Course






In the creation of this project, I was strongly influenced by the metamorphosis a caterpillar

undergoes to eventually become a butterfly.

The caterpillar evolves and gains a size that goes beyond the space of its skin. It grows out of it

and must eventually destroy it. The skin thus also represents a space of protection that makes

the transformation possible in order to then be destroyed by it. The destruction of this skin is a

brutal and extremely uncomfortable process, but it is necessary in order to follow one’s own

evolution. The moment of destruction is followed by a scenario that resembles a rebirth. Out of

the old a new sphere is being created. The same life and yet all at once new and strange. The

parts that exploded with the previous destruction get once again collected together. Some got

finally destroyed and will no longer be a part of the evolution. The parts that construct the new

sphere that again functions as a shelter where the next step of the metamorphosis can

proceed. A new spectrum of experience opens and reconstructs all previously collected

experiences and beliefs.

This stage represents the second and thus the final stage before the metamorphosis succeeds.