Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Just a Body Wearing Stuff – Mi Stai Cambiando Un Po’ Troppo


BA Art Warm-Up – Foundation Course




Alessandro De Santi

Just a body wearing stuff – mi stai cambiando un po’ troppo (2021)
60x100x100 cm installation, plastic skeleton on a wooden chair, clothing, audio.

My parents always had a complication relationship with the way I present to the world. In their daily chitchat, mumbled and superficial, they always saved a place for little comments about my pants, my jacket, my hair. When I told my mother I wanted to pierce my ear, she told me “you’re changing too much for me” (mi stai cambiando un po’ troppo).
Is an earring all that it takes to become somebody other than yourself?
If my clothing is enough to make people change, then what is under, if not just a body wearing stuff?