Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design


Course topic/s

BA Visual Communication Project




“A country that can not face its past, has no future”, thinks Chinese artist Ai Weiwei.

Our history as human beings has been deeply hurt by continuous changes and human flows, since the beginning of time people have been moving to other coordinates of our globe for several reasons, both positive and negative. Current times are again signed by a deep crisis.

Walls are being built along borders between countries, but they clearly exist in-between cities too, nowadays as always we have definite limits, both physical and social, which divide us in the daily life; human being tend to split instead of gathering.

Ghettoisation is an always existed phenomenon which has no end, it is indeed still present in several scales and forms around the globe. It is about segregation and forgetfulness of inhabitants, whose reasons depends on several factors such as location.

The project stands on the importance of the urban system, conceived as people and city spaces, proposing an utopian scenario which intends to push people to think forward and imagine how dynamics could be if the city would be flexible in its parts, so to create a decentralised situation, more communicative, without inner “off-limits” and ghettos, different from the current one.

Bolzano, South Tyrol, it is been chosen to be the first setting of the project, which shows itself as a graphical intervention on city. Megastructures emerge in the urban environment in order to link various suburbs each other both pragmatically and symbolically, then the whole frame suggests a possible new identity free from the current social limits that obstruct urban and human dynamics.