Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Macintosh 128k – Designclassics


BA Design Warm-Up – Foundation Course




1984, USA

Steve Jobs

Macintosh 128K

The Macintosh, often abbreviated to Mac, is a personal computer distributed by Apple Computer from 24 January 1984 to 1 October 1985. It is the progenitor of the computer family of the same name, still on the market today, and was considered at the time to be a revolutionary product that changed the computer world because it was easy and intuitive to use thanks to its innovative graphic interface, which inspired other window systems such as Windows.


I Macintosh, oft abgekürzt als Mac, ist ein Personal Computer, der vom 24. Januar 1984 bis zum 1. Oktober 1985 von Apple Computer vertrieben wurde. Er ist der Stammvater der gleichnamigen Computerfamilie, die auch heute noch auf dem Markt ist, und galt damals als revolutionäres Produkt, das die Welt der Computer veränderte, weil es dank seiner innovativen grafischen Oberfläche, die andere Fenstersysteme wie Windows inspirierte, einfach und intuitiv zu bedienen war.


l Macintosh, spesso abbreviato in Mac, è un personal computer commercializzato da Apple Computer dal 24 gennaio 1984 al 1º ottobre 1985. È il capostipite dell’omonima famiglia di computer tuttora commercializzata ed all’epoca è stato considerato un prodotto rivoluzionario, che ha cambiato il mondo dei computer rendendo il loro uso facile ed intuitivo grazie alla sua innovativa interfaccia grafica che ha ispirato altri sistemi a finestre come Windows.