Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Magazine – L’incompletezza dell’Apollineo


BA Design Warm-Up – Foundation Course




Magazine – L’incompletezza dell’Apollineo

The subject is the result of my classical studies. The topic is not only limited to the philosophical sphere, but offers an interesting key to understanding our society. The magazine is divided into two parts:

Initially there is a general introduction to Friedrich Nietzsche’ work “The Birth of Tragedy”, 1872 and a brief explanation of the theatre in ancient Greece.

In the second part I left the floor to the philosopher Umberto Galimberti, who in his book “L’ospite inquietante: il nichilismo e i giovani” (The disturbing guest: nihilism and young people) analyzes the behavior of young people.

The concept of Apollonian and Dionysian do not remain confined to school textbooks, on the contrary, they are rooted in each one of us.

And you? Do you have a Dionysian or Apollonian soul?