Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Magazine Trapped inside


BA Design Warm-Up – Foundation Course




Locked down, isolated, alone, on repeat?

The last two years have been very challenging for all of us be it financially or health wise, a topic that is often forgotten is how the pandemic affects our mental health. The magazine “Trapped inside…inside our heads”  shows feelings and mental illnesses that are created or reinforced due to lockdown and uncertainty and explains the reason behind them.

This magazine is for everyone, who is interested in the topic of mental health,  but also for people, who are not feeling okay at the moment, who are feeling drained and hopeless. It shows that all these feelings are valid and normal and wants to encourage everyone to talk more openly about their mental health, since many of us are going through simular problems these days.