Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Mixed Tape


BA Design Warm-Up – Foundation Course




E-GB+X – e-bass/guitar + xylophone

We were given two weeks to build an instrument. The idea was that the final instrument would be made out of two or more instruments fused together. The model had to be made completely out of cardboard and the instrument was supposed to be “playable”. So the proportions had to be right.

I combined an e-guitar, e-bass and a xylophone. When I saw the shape of the e-bass, I thought it would be perfect to put over your shoulder, replacing the strap of the guitar. So I first started to build an inner structure for the guitar as well as the e-bass. Then I combined the two elements and finished them off with some details. Lastly I added the xylophone, because I thought it added something visually interesting.