Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design


6’53” animation video


Combining 3D visuals and sound capture, «Natura Umana» depicts the discord created by the co-existence of the Natural Organic and the Industrial Geometric. The motion picture’s linear narrative guides the viewer through the essence of this conflict’s key player by interweaving different scales of intrusion into his domain.

The cubic shape represents a distinct manifestation of the conflict generated by human activity on the Earth’s natural surface. Being untraceable in the wilderness, the cube has colonised Nature through human hands, which have duly denied their own organic curves. We have covered our planet’s landscapes with these cuboids in order to organise, divide, optimise and exploit the space. This thirst for exploitation fueled by the capitalist rush of our society has brought us into competition with our organic host. The Cubic Man has penetrated wild lands with his industrial structures, which solely serve the functioning of his human system in its angular tangle of power and profit. As a result of this carnal relationship, today’s landscapes display the fusion of two worlds, the Geometric Industrial merging with theOrganic Natural.

The Cubic Man being the friction point of this conflict, he produced «Natura Umana» armed with his technologies in order to share his own portrait on our cubic screens, in our cubic homes and in the hope of solving our problems through our cubic way of thinking.
