Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Note I – Mapping Militarized Geographies

Course topic/s

BA Practice Based Course




Baldassari Matilde
Note I – Mapping Militarized Geographies
Video HD, Color/Sound, 2’25’’
Video documentation


Note I – Mapping Militarized Geographies is a video registration of documentary character depicting an ongoing practice and interest of the artist towards abandoned locations. In Note I, the artist records the inner geography of a former military base on Italian territory.

Notwithstanding the inherent political statement of the recording, infiltrating militarized areas unauthorized, the artist wants to keep track of an evolving process. On the same level, the video discloses a certain concern for the question of abandonment of non-civilian architecture and subsequent topographic consequences of militarized and de-militarized geographies.