Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Onisco – the folding skialp helmet


BA Practice Based Course




“Onisco” is an all new concept for a skialp- helmet. Unlike traditional bulky helmets, Onisco is completely foldable and therefore easily storable.

The idea behind this revolutionary helmet comes from a very common issue in skitouring: Where should I put my helmet while going uphill?

Onisco solves this problem by being completely collapsable. The technology of the folding  system was inspired by how woodlouses roll themselves up. That’s were this revolutionary helmet takes it’s name from. Onisco is an italian, slang word for woodlouses.

“Onisco” è un concetto completamente nuovo per un casco da sci. A differenza dei tradizionali caschi ingombranti, Onisco è completamente pieghevole e quindi facilmente riponibile.

L’idea dietro questo casco rivoluzionario nasce da un problema molto comune nello skitouring: Dove mettere il casco in salita?

Onisco risolve questo problema essendo completamente pieghevole. La tecnologia del sistema pieghevole è stata ispirata da come gli onischi si arrotolano in caso di pericolo. Il nome del casco deriva proprio da quello dell’animale al quale si ispira.


Further projects are available by clicking the link in the description.

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