BA Art Studio

Alessia Maria Concetta Carbonara, Marco Mattia
Organo, 2022
Live stream performance; projector, camera, 2 speakers, small diaphragm condenser microphone; loop station; digital audio processor.
Live stream from a recording studio, playing with sound that comes from an acoustic point of view different from the usual one, it is a sound that exists, but is recorded from the inside of a body. A way to feel what you would not hear from the outside.
“The performance is live streamed from a recording studio. A microphone will be inserted inside a vagina to pick up the sounds generated inside through the touch of hands on a body, which will focus on the abdomen area. The musician performer will also use a loop station and a series of digital audio processors to alter the sound with the use of ambient effects, distortions and modulations creating percussive, ambient, or electronic sounds.
All the sounds you will hear come exclusively from what the microphone inside the vagina picks up at the touch of the body.
What will be played is completely experimental and improvised on the spot.”