Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Running Out of Time


BA Art Warm-Up – Foundation Course




Especially as a student you constantly feel like you’re running out of time. Sometimes you’re not even 100% sure why you have that feeling or what Timer exactly is running out. Time is constantly breathing down your neck, waiting for you to trip and swallow you. It can be a very scary concept, it can feel crushing, suffocating, overbearing. The piece is supposed to make you feel like the personification of time is looking down on you, or over your shoulder. Never quite touching you but always lingering. Always making you feel slightly uncomfortable.

The clocks are representing the personification of time while the projection in the background represents the flow of time. Time isn’t anything constant, it is a dimension beyond our understanding, it is almost something surreal hence the colour palette.