BA Art Studio

Soapism, 2023
Matilde Baldassari, Claudia Gianella, Morin Pichler
Performance piece.
8l glycerine, ashes, clay sculpture 40x15x30 cm, metal container 7×5,5 cm, two metal sticks 20×2 cm, metal spatulas 11×7,5 cm, coconut oil
Soapism is a performance piece which intends to display a fictional ritual, involving three different figures and multiple objects. The ritual wishes to indicate, through cardboard ashes, the transformation of the capitalistic society’s remains in sacred objects. The current capitalistic production system dispenses dirt. In this performance, on the contrary, these remains are praised rather than being tossed.
The shrine maiden being the first appearing figure, constitutes de facto the initiating ritualistic premise. Following a gathering sound, two further more figures enter the dialog. These two can be identified as the worshippers.
The shrine maiden indicates the beginning and the end of the ritual. Furthermore, her figure represents the medium through which the transmutative practice is realized. The figures of the worshippers, on the other side, are in involved in offering the materia prima, in which they are covered, for the transmutation.
The performance, in its constitutive elements, includes the translucent divination object. This element encloses a paradox, its cleaning implicit purpose and its opposite, given by the of ashes inside of it.