Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Tallone d’Achille – Performance

Sabrina Mandelli

Tallone d’Achille (Achilles’ Heel)



It was the artist’s research into places and memories of military service that brought Kronplatz to her attention. She regards the disused military building, which once housed transmitters and a military radio relay, as the “Achilles’ Heel” of Kronplatz, its “hidden” defect. What if the military were the first inhabitants of Kronplatz, due to their need for vantage points for radio communication? Perhaps it is even “thanks” to the military that Kronplatz became the industrial mountain it is now?


Live performance
Metal container (9.5 x 6 cm), USB flash drive, shovel



Photos by No Filter Films and Alessia Maria Concetta Carbonara