Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design


Course topic/s

BA Product Design Project




UkuHawa is a chair and standing desk. It tackles the concepts of indoor/outdoor and public/private. It allows to rethink some of the practices related to the window and its adjacent spaces, indeed, usually we are not able to take advantage of them. It also allows the creation of new habits. Through a simple switch, the UkuHawa’s seat becomes the base of the standing desk that can fit the window frame. The window becomes an essential element of UkuHawa, on the one hand, because without it the standing desk would fall, on the other because because it represents the link with the outdoors . The project is inspired by the work of Ugo La Pietra which shows that where we find less efficiency more creativity emerges, so my project allows a reappropriation of a space otherwise left to itself. Especially in the present situation of lockdowns, we feel the desire to go out and to relate with what is outside of our apartment’s walls. UkuHawa, not only enable us to change our habits and to use portions of the house we usually do not use, but also enables us to enter in between the private and the public, the indoor and outdoor.