Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Unterricht für einen Gey-Schulmeister des Tyrols


BA Practice Based Course




Unterricht für einen Gey-Schulmeister des Tyrols is a book first written and published by Karl Joseph Weis in 1772; kept to this day in its original version inside the Friedrich Teßmann Library, it appears here in a new, completely different version. In the redesign of this book, I wanted to take a particular path: I imagined a modern-day student using it in the classroom and putting his hand to it. The choice of font, the exaggerated use of bright colors and the arrangement of words are what predominantly characterizes this very fresh new edition.
Along with it, a number of objects appear – a school register placed inside a display case, a portable handout of the rules to be followed at school, a hand-carved beating stick and a colorful belt; the contrast between old and new, between present-day and disused objects continues here. A continuous chase of time, around an ever so timely theme: school and teaching.
