Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Video: “Designing and Making a Chair: from start to finish”


BA Practice Based Course




How I made my first Product Design University Project: from brainstorming ideas for the object to building and realizing the finalized version of it.

Since I was little, I’ve always been a creative fellow. In my spare time, I would always sketch ideas that came into my mind. But in the end, they would always stay on paper or sometimes would not go further than a small-scale model. However, since I graduated from Highschool and went to University to study for a Bachelor’s in Design, now for the first time I had the means necessary, both in working space, machines, and material specialized stores, to fully realize something as real and tangible as a chair.  What was the full process behind the realization of the project from start to finish?