Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design

Zero Sunburns – Pulse


BA Practice Based Course




Zero Sunburns Necklace – Pulse

EN: Zero-Sunburns is a necklace that protects against excessive UV radiation and the resulting sunburns. The different coloured, luminous beads and gentle impulses make it very easy to use. The necklace is also a fashion accessory, available in different colours and can be taken anywhere. From now on, relaxed beach days can be enjoyed even more carefree.

DE: Zero-Sunburns ist eine Kette, die vor zu hoher UV-Strahlung und daraus resultierenden Sonnenbränden schützt. Durch verschiedenfarbige, leuchtende Perlen und sanfte Impulse ist die Anwendung kinderleicht. Die Kette ist zugleich ein modisches Accessoire, in verschiedenen Farben erhältlich und kann überall mit hingenommen werden. Ab jetzt können entspannte Strandtage noch sorgenloser genossen werden.

IT:Zero-Sunburns è una collana che protegge dall’eccessiva radiazione UV e dalle conseguenti scottature. Le diverse perle luminose colorate e gli impulsi delicati lo rendono molto facile da usare. La collana è anche un accessorio di moda, disponibile in diversi colori e può essere portata ovunque. D’ora in poi, le giornate in spiaggia potranno essere vissute in modo ancora più spensierato.
