Projects by the students of the
Bachelor Major in Art, Major in Design,
and the Master in Eco-Social Design


Course topic/s

BA Product Design Project





When design meets handicap what possibilities emerge?
Is handicap in the realization of design, in the production? Or it’s
emerging when you are using it?
Handicap; unfavorable statement, obstacle. Everyone has this
in their life, even nature has. But it keeps producing with
redesigning the process. And producing which is more efficient,
handy, and capable. In this project case handicap’s location was
different. They were in Latsch and Prad. At the same time, possibilities
emerged from this location.
Sepet is designed to collect things. “Sepet” means “basket” in
Turkish. Inspired by the traditional royal basket of England “Sussex
It’s suitable to collect newspapers, magazines, fruits, and random
objects in your home that you could not find a place to
put. Its silhouette stays as romantic but industrialized as
possible. It has a geometrically sharp structure.
Sepet will define the corner where it stands as a “collection
corner”. It can be used also while gardening. Its dimensions are
anthropometrically handy and practical.
Sepet’s peculiarity is about its components in the production
process. It consists of a skeleton of wooden stripes and 6 surfaces
which you can create with a table saw. Surfaces will just lean
on the structure. Its main purpose is to have a product that acts
as the main character but also you can create in minutes.


When we ‘make’ meet design with a handicap, we learned how to
fit into the handicap. And it came out to learn how to do it
simply, how to fit for handmade production. Even though some of us
have more handicaps we both are still able to produce art
and products. We tried to enrich the possibilities by fitting into
handicaps and focusing on people who spend their time
making art and producing products. While doing this, we also
encountered handicaps.
In Askı’s case, the handicap was gravity. Askı is obtaining to live a
life at the edge of the table thanks to gravity. But at the same
time gravity was waiting for her to drop somehow. It survived by
adapting to the dimensions of the table, its surface, and gravity.
And it now belongs to restaurants and libraries. It can live up to its
purpose. It can present people with important numbers
and data about their systems and carry their bags. Which links
humans’ belongings and the system of the place.
Askı is a product that acts like a tool made of wood and also has
a character as much as furniture. Askı is coming from Turkish
which means “hanger”. It is a product where you can keep your
handbag in a safe place and at the same time keep up with
the system of the place where it is located. It consists of three
cuboid parts in total and is connected in different
directions and adapts to physics.